Unlike many other child care centers, WPCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We depend on generous donors to help us serve as many families as possible. Your contributions to WPCC are tax deductible. But more importantly, with your investment, you will help WPCC further its mission to provide quality education for children of all abilities and diverse backgrounds.


Contributions of all sizes are appreciated and truly make a difference!

** Don’t have a PayPal account? You can also use your debit or credit card to donate.  Click ‘DONATE’ below and then click ‘CONTINUE’ toward the bottom left of your screen.

Tax ID Number: 58-1792551

An easy way to support WPCC is through your everyday shopping! We have teamed up with Harris Teeter’s Together In Education program, Kroger’s Community Rewards, and Amazon Smile.

Harris Teeter Together in Education-Simply link your Harris Teeter VIC card online or in a store to our school  number: 1372. Use your linked VIC card each time you shop and you’ll help support WPCC! Don’t forget to ask your family and friends to link, too!

SMILE-Before shopping on Amazon, visit Amazon Smile and search and select White Plains Children’s Center. After you have chosen our center, you are ready to shop! Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of your total purchase to our center! Don’t forget to ask your family and friends to find us on Amazon Smile, too!

kroger_comm_rewards_logo-Link your Kroger Plus card online or in a store to our school  number: 89252. Use your linked Kroger Plus card each time you shop and you’ll help support WPCC! Don’t forget to ask your family and friends to link, too!

Volunteers are important to the improvement of any non-profit. At WPCC we welcome volunteers from our families and from the community. Opportunities vary throughout the year.


Another way to volunteer your time and talents is to become a member on our Board of Directors. WPCC has a very active, diverse and supportive Board. Please visit the Board of Directors page to learn how you can get involved through the Board.

In-kind donations can also be made to the center. We rely on in-kind donations so that cash donations can be utilized for education and other program needs. In-kind donations can be made by individuals or businesses. A major in-kind donation to WPCC is our facility, which is generously donated by White Plains United Methodist Church. Other in-kind donations in the past have included:


  • Graphic design
  • Web Design
  • Building maintenance and utilities


To view the most current “wish lists” for the center, please click on the following list categories to visit our Amazon lists:


WPCC Supplies List

WPCC Book List


To find out how you or your business can serve WPCC, please contact the center.